Import Critters

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Import Critters

Post by fhdt »

Hey Nick!
I have a (stupid) question:
Would there be a way to import a kind of database for critters? I‘m not the specialist in biology and find it really hard to get a structure into the critters section. I know (for sure) that such a database would cost something.
Maybe you can take this as an idea?
Thanks and greetings from Vienna, Austria
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Re: Import Critters

Post by nick »

You can import XML files of Critters (export one to use as a template). That can be useful for sharing with buddies etc.

But I don't have a source for data. To me, part of the fun is identifying and logging things I've found during a day of diving. That's essentially how it's designed, at least for me, to log stuff with the photos I've taken of it.
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Re: Import Critters

Post by fhdt »

Hy Nick!
I agree with you, it isn‘t that hard to log the critters and yes, it‘s fun too.
But i have a question for this:
Why do i have to log a critter for a specific dive, when i tag the critter in a photo on this dive?
To make my question clear:
I have a logged dive with some photos. In the photos section i „add“ a critter to this picture. Wouldn’t it make sense, that this critter is also assigned to the dive in the notes section? I mean i have pictures of this dive with some critters on them. In the notes section (speaking of the iOS version) there are these assigned critters not listed. But (in my opinion) there should be the critters of the photos of this dive and maybe some others, with no picture of them?
Do you get what i mean?
Thanks and greetings
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Re: Import Critters

Post by nick »

They are two separate ways to log them. If you don't have photos, it means you can still log critters against a dive. Ideally, yes, there should be a joint display of these, but there is not currently.

You do not need to log in both places as the various stats will consider both (eg when browsing a critter, and viewing dives it's on, etc).
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