Recovery of old MacDive data possible?

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Recovery of old MacDive data possible?

Post by Jurgenfd »

Hi guys,

I really like to hold on to the data of the dives that I did before 2015 and annotated well in MacDive; see my previous Python script posts. Now I have some dives to add from a beautiful trip in Indonesia last year. Unfortunately, the old data files were lost in moving from one Mac to another. There might still be some possibilities:

-1- My current /Users/jd/Library/Application\ Support/MacDive/MacDive.sqlite only seems to contain boilerplate info but not the 300+ dives.
-2- Backup to no avail and I have about ten drives.
-3- Dropbox I cancelled this cloud option in 2019 and apparently didn't save the data but removed the account completely.
-4- iCloud didn't have that 'in the days' I think. There is nothing in the newly created area's anywho.
-5- Google Drive contains some goodies in Apps/MacDive. Especially in the MainStore.v2/baselines/xxx.cdeevent.cdezip file there seems to be good data when uncompressed. I recognize my buddie names and countries visited.

Would that .cdeevent.cdezip be usable in the new MacDive? A link to my whole MacDive directory can be found here.

Btw, thanks to devs for honorring my 7 year old license to the latest version; uncommon nowadays and much appreciated.

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Re: Recovery of old MacDive data possible?

Post by nick »

Those files are not really good - they are internal temporary cloud transfer files that MacDive uses and are not a backup of your data.

Given you've written some python and are likely fairly technical, I can offer you some advice via email (a solution I would not be comfortable suggesting on the forum), but really, the best overall advice I can give for people - which does not help you right now - is to make backups of your important data regularly. Sorry :(
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