My boys and I just started diving and decided to use MacDive. I have the iOS and Mac versions, they just have the iOS versions.
I was surprised to see that there wasn't a database of dive sites and I needed to add them myself - which has meant trying to find the GPS coordinates for the places we went on our dives. It was more laborious than I thought it would be. I'm guessing things will get better when we get dive computers perhaps.
Is there a way to share my efforts with my boys? The dive sites are the same as mine. It'd be nice if we could share that so they don't have to. The Mac version seems to allow for multiple divers, but I didn't see that in the iOS version. Would it be possible for me to have them as divers on my Mac version and then they can use the sites I add to populate their iOS version of MacDive?
I'm surprised MacDive doesn't let me search for dive sites that probably other people have entered themselves.