MacDive has a built-in diagnostic tool we may ask you to run, so the original instructions below are generally not needed. Most problems can be solved without either the diagnostic tool or the instructions below. Please email us first - be specific about the dive computer you are using, and the error message you are receiving. We get far too many emails consisting of simply "Hi it doesn't work". This is not helpful - dive computers work in various different ways, and error messages also help us narrow down the problem.
Please make sure you've checked out Troubleshooting Downloads in the User Guide, and also make sure you are choosing the correct manufacturer/model.
The original post is maintained below, but should almost never be required. Email us!
For downloading dives directly from a dive computer, macdive relies on the open source libdivecomputer library. Thus if you are experiencing a communication problem (timeouts, transfer protocol errors, etc) during the download, you should follow the procedure below to report your problem with all the information Nick and I need.
1. Download the test application.
Download the dctool test application, and save it to your desktop. Next, the application needs to be marked as executable. Open a terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal), and type:
Code: Select all
cd Desktop
chmod u+x dctool
Run the test application with the list option to print the list of supported devices:
Code: Select all
./dctool list
3. Identify the correct serial port.
If you haven't installed the necessary USB driver yet, download and install that before you continue.
Connect the serial or USB cable to your Mac. If necessary, activate the transfer mode of your device. Then type:
Code: Select all
ls /dev/tty.*
(Note that this "ls" command starts with a lower case letter "L".)
3. Run the test application.
Run the test application again with these options:
Code: Select all
./dctool -v -l dctool.log -d "<divecomputer>" dump -o dctool.bin <serialport>
Then after you hit enter this last time, it should start ticking away doing a bunch of stuff. When it's finished, you should have a dctool.log and dctool.bin file on your desktop. Throw both of those in an email to Nick ( and myself (
Let us know if you have any problems with any of this!
PS: If you email me a report, please mention your forum username and include a link to your forum topic or post (if there is one).