Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitters

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Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitters

Post by pgammer »

Hi there,

Is there any upcoming support/feature planned for the dual transmitters supported by Shearwaters (NERD2 and Perdix AI) ? I dive with a CCR and have a transmitter connected both to Diluent and Oxygen tanks. Both tanks are consumed at the same time so would be great to see both of their pressures as the dive progresses. I can provide data from each computer type if you need sample data.

I'm also starting to notice the coloured spinning wheel while certain actions are being performed as my data grows. I'm currently at 1250+ dives in the database with 1050 hours of sampling data. Any thoughts there?

Still loving MacDive after god knows how many years now ;-) still the best dive logging software on any platform by far!

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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by nick »

Somewhat planned, it's more a case of how people want this displayed - one combined pressure, or two separate ones (as you seem to want). It's a bit more work - new profile format, extra UI features, etc.

From memory the Shearwater doesn't let you know which tank had what gas. So you can display two pressures, or one combined, but not associate them to a gas. You'd really just have two pressure graphs

Performance wise, it's hard to say without knowing which actions specifically you are referring to. If you want to email me your data file and give me some reproducible cases that exhibit slowness then I'm happy to take a look at making any optimisations that I can - for the most part issues like this are primarily because I am not aware of them and have therefore not addressed them.
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by pgammer »

Hi Nick - My preference would be two separate ones as they're two separate tanks and gases in my situation (vs two on the same tank/twins).

That's correct - you don't specify which transmitter is monitoring which gas - you have T1 and T2. I've chosen to have DIL as T1 as that is that primary mix/gas which Shearwater does provide. And T2 for O2.

Two pressure graphs would be ideal and if you could say graph 1 is for tank 1 and graph 2 is for tank 2 that would be great. I currently apply the dive time 00:00 to 00:00 for tank 1 and dive time 00:00 to xx:xx for tank 2 (o2) and the reason for that is so that I can determine my metabolic O2 rate.

I'll email you the sqlite file if you'd like - do you have a preferred email address. I'll also come up with the scenarios but it happens (the spinning wheel) when clicking between most fields to be honest.
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by nick »

Nothing really happens when you click between two fields, unless potentially you were editing tens of thousands of things at once and bulk changing them. I would need to see your data with a specific example to investigate.

What kind of hardware are you using, and what version of macOS?

I will try and get to the multi-transmitters soon, I'm just kind of tied up with some higher priority stuff right at the minute.
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by Phiolin »

Here’s another vote for adding the second transmitter data from the Perdix AI.
Diving sidemount, For me it would be enough to have the data from the second transmitter available as a second tank, separate graphs.

Not sure if it is possible to get the switches from the Perdix data as well, to visualize the switches between each tank in the profile? That’d be ideal of course.

Maybe a good starting point would be to allow multiple durations per tank in the app. That way the tank usage can be better reflected for Sidemount divers.
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by nick »

The profile already contains switches, where they are logged.

I'm going to add support for multiple tanks next up. If you have data available for me to test, please send it to me. You can just send me your MacDive.sqlite data file -

For macOS, Preferences > General > Show MacDive folder in Finder. Just drag and drop it to an email. It contains what I need.

Sorry it's taken so long. I was fairly busy trying to finish the iPad update.

As for the performance question, I made some fixes and sent a beta some time ago which improved things. This will be released shortly as well. I'd like to add the multiple tank support first and then get it sorted.
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by Phiolin »

I’ll send data from my last dive with dual transmitters on the Perdix AI when I’m back home tomorrow.
I’ll also do some more dual transmitter dives end of next week and will send those as well.
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by ATJ »

I'd be happy if I could tell MacDive just to combine the air used from both tanks and calculate the SAC from that.

For example, from an actual dive:
12.2L 230 -> 30 = 2440L
5L 234 -> 39 = 975L
Total: 3415L
Duration: 108 minutes
Average consumption: 31.62L/min
Average Depth: 14.1m
SAC = 13.1L/min
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by Phiolin »

I believe both the support of two transmitters on individual tanks as well as combined SAC rate calculation is already planned but is likely part of a larger update sometime in the future because the application changes necessary for this are somewhat complex.

Nick and I had a somewhat longer mail conversation on this topic and while I was mainly thinking about Sidemount requirements, we also covered SAC rates when diving with two separate tanks. So let's wait and see. :)
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Re: Support for Shearwater computers with multiple transmitt

Post by whysocold »

Add me to the list of people requesting this.

In Subsurface, they show both transmitters so you end up with a diamond pattern ( ... 9.png?dl=0). I would like to see something similar with Macdive. However, for side mount, I would like to be able to also see a 3rd line that shows my combined SAC. I think it would make sense to have a checkbox on the Gases tab that allows me to select side mount just like how I can select doubles. If side mount is selected, I would expect the two tanks to be the same size and contain the same gas. Having a side mount mode that is selectable would prevent issues such as what was previously discussed for rebreather divers. I assume that the transferred log also contains data on which mode was used during the dive. This could be used to automatically determine if the two transmitters were because of a side mount dive or a rebreather dive.

When I load dual transmitter logs into Macdive, is the raw log fully preserved meaning that no data is lost for the two transmitters?
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