New Features:
- MacDive now supports syncing with the cloud via Dropbox.
- Added support for the Heinrichs Weikamp OSTC 2.
- Added support for HwOS 1.92.
- Added support for the Mares Smart Apnea.
- Added support for the Seabear H3.
- Read PPO2 from more Suunto devices.
- Read PPO2 from more Mares devices.
- Added support for some new features of UDDF.
- Allow adding PDFs as Photos/Images.
- Added right-click context menu option to Tag to all selected dives without overwriting existing tags.
- Fixed reading CNS% from a HelO2.
- Fixed issue reading dives from an OSTC 2N with no gases configured.
- Fix downloading from a Mares Smart in certain cases.
- Fixed issue numbering dives from a Suunto EON Steel in some cases.
- Fixed intermittent crash after finishing a download from an EON Steel.
I won't spoil everything here just now - the website has all the details, screenshots, and you can grab MacDive for iPhone right now from the app store: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1062494205?mt=8
There are some pretty big updates here, so if you run in to any problems please drop me an email. I've also rewritten the user guide, hopefully it's a little nicer. The Desktop version is still in progress, there's a few things to finish off, but there's a full guide for iPhone there too. I'll be working on that as people suggest things, run in to issues, etc.
Thanks for all your patience - I know you've been wanting cloud syncing for a while. But a lot of people have been asking for an iPhone version and it didn't make sense to have one without the other.
It's early days. I expect it to grow and evolve over time based on all your excellent feedback. Please let me (actually, it's now *us*..) know what you think. There's already an update in the works with some new features and some other minor improvements. We decided enough was enough and we needed to get it out!