macdive_logbook.dtd is 404

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macdive_logbook.dtd is 404

Post by Deacon »

Is there a DTD for the macdive_logbook XML format. The DTD URL reference used in the XML exports ( is 404 not found. I'm finding myself reverse engineering it in order to determine enumerations, acceptable data and optional/required elements.

Why, you ask? I'm determined to import my previous and ongoing dives recorded on a Cochran computer (which continues to be my preferred dive computer.) The Cochran Analyst software begrudgingly allows export to ancient (and totally undocumented) DAN ".cci" files. I've figured out most of the the .cci gibberish and want to parse the data into the macdive_logbook XML format. UDDF & UDCF, while they have an available DTD, are... um.... disappointing. Couldn't find much on ZXU.

Some things cannot be answered by playing with the UI and exporting. For example, is <cns> a required element of the <dive> parent? I hope not 'cause modeling that based on time & PO2 is not a simple equation. What is the <identifier> tag about? How does <sampleInterval> work since there is significant discrepancy between expected intervals and recorded intervals? Etc.
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Re: macdive_logbook.dtd is 404

Post by nick »

Deacon wrote: Some things cannot be answered by playing with the UI and exporting. For example, is <cns> a required element of the <dive> parent?
Nope, not required.
What is the <identifier> tag about?
It is used to determine whether a dive has been seen before. So it should be unique per dive computer. Typically used would be the time of the dive and the serial number. This is so that if you go to import a dive that already exists it can be skipped.
How does <sampleInterval> work since there is significant discrepancy between expected intervals and recorded intervals?
Nowadays it is only for display, as the actual sample time is used for everything. There are a couple of exceptions (Exporting to ZXU for example), even though most computers record extra alarms at offsets that don't match the sample interval exactly.

If you want more information, just email me. I never uploaded the dtd.
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Re: macdive_logbook.dtd is 404

Post by otherguy »

@nick: bit old, but could you please upload the DTD?
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