CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by nick »

Jean-Francois wrote:As far as UI goes, I think that eventually a "CCR only" tab is the best because we have specific needs that OC divers don't need/want (O2 cells age, O2 cell voltage, Set Points, total hours on particular rebreather, pretty much any point you made :) )
Certainly some of that stuff deserves its own place or tab so that non-CCR users can just ignore it.

But we've discussed a number of times the total hours on a rebreather. I'm yet to understand what the issue is with creating a piece of gear - the rebreather - and adding it to the dives it was used on. You then automatically have a count. This already exists (I added it at the start of this thread actually).

The one issue is dives you haven't logged, but you can always log one dive that represents them, with the appropriate duration, and add the gear to that. In any other case it is fine.

Speaking of tabs: there are quite a few now. What do people think about removing the Summary tab? Is it really necessary? All of the information is available in various other tabs. Any objections to just getting rid of it?
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by joelaposta »

Speaking of tabs: there are quite a few now. What do people think about removing the Summary tab? Is it really necessary? All of the information is available in various other tabs. Any objections to just getting rid of it?
I've always thought the Summary tab was kind of pointless, it forces an extra click to get to where you start entering useful data.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by CFU »

I like the summary tab actually though I could live without it. A CCR tab would be nice and imho best solution would be to get a check box added to the diver profile "CCR diver" so non CCR divers would not have to bother about it.

The hours is so important because you have to have certain hours on a certain CCR unit and/or CCR total to be able to attend a course. Point is some of us have several units, I have two rEvos. others are, since traveling with rebreathers is not always easy, member of the Rebreather pool type of car sharing pool, where you take (or not) a specific personal part of your electronics with you and have a certain number of days rent included in a membership. So the hours your personal unit does not necessarely reflect your total hours on that specific type of rebreather, though to make a dummy dive to add hours would work as workaround.


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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by Jean-Francois »

I can live without the summary tab, I hardly, if ever, use it.
I second what Christian said. There are info that only CCR divers need to be concerned with and to have a place to store things like date of O2 cell, date when you changed the SW battery or the external battery, scrubber usage etc. would be great. As an example I store my scrubber usage in 2 different places, 1 inside my rEvo cover and 1 in my "pen a paper" logbook.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by nick »

Ok as an update, I have been going back and forth a bunch with JF and we've made some nice changes. I already mentioned the set points etc, these are there and the icons are in place. There are scrubber time before/after fields, a deco model field (auto populated from certain devices), a bit of a tidy up of the dive inspector, and a few other things.

Among some misc other things, I added Altitude to sites, Certifications can now be sorted, Certifications now display a description if there is no image available, and a few other little tidy ups around the place. Things are looking good!

If anyone wants to try this out, drop me a line. Would be good to get some further testing before releasing.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by mitswerdna »

Any update on this? I've recently gotten into diving a ISC Megalodon 15 rebreather. The ISC handset outputs its log files as a CSV file. Until I add a Shearwater as a secondary computer, any chance these logs can be imported into MacDive?
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by weppos »

Fellow CCR divers here, do you have any suggestion on how to track O2+Diluent usage?

I downloaded the dives from my JJ-CCR controller (JJ uses a customized version of Petrel 2 hence it works perfectly), and it set the tank correctly to the diluent (as this is what it was recorded). However, I have no way to set 2 tanks in parallel for the same duration to track both the diluent usage AND the o2 usage.

I know diluent is sort of irrelevant so I could switch all to O2, but the data would not be extremely accurate.



I've gone through the various topic in this thread and I have a question for you. The JJ-CCR uses a Petrel 2 as controller.
It's essentially a Petrel, with on top the whole CCR data (sensors, battery status, bailout, etc). If I send you the database, would you able to see if there's any extra feature you can add to the current Petrel data parser to get some info out of it?

Also, I wonder if it would make sense to have a flag (similar to the Deco flag) that stores whether that dive was on a Rebreather (and perhaps use that in the future to display the CCR-only extra tab).


BTW it was great to be able to see the set point changes being recorded, and the PPo2 chart is excellent.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by nick »

The "rebreather" flag would just be in the gases tab, the supply type set to Closed Circuit. I think I have an outstanding todo to set this correctly for the Petrel.

I have the documentation so there's no need to analyse your database really, I can consult that. From memory there is an alarm for bailouts, but I'd have to go back and double-check.

The PPO2 is recorded based on the sensors already.

Battery status of the Petrel itself is available (rebreather or not), but I've never considered it useful information to include.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by LukyLuke »

Nice new features, I've got a few dives with a Divesoft Freedom, will soon switch to Shearwater Petrel.

Sent an email to Nick about cell deviation warning analysis based on cell data... There's an Android tools which does that, but I just want to keep MacDive...

Exemple :

Cellule ok

Cellule not ok

Comparing after each dive gives an indication of the cell deviation.
Would even be perfect if we could compare multiple dives for each cell...
We would need to have an indicator of "new cell" and "cell dives count" as well as "cell time" but this is rather standard in the Gears...
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by Dr Wypeout »

I have greatly been enjoying MacDive, but I have a suggestion for you that I know is going to be tough. When diving my breather I always wear two computers. The breather has a hard wired Petrel, but I also wear my Teric for monitoring my AI's and as a backup deco computer. It'd be great to be able to import from both and merge the info.
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