CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by Jean-Francois »

and to no one's surprise it worked :)

Thanks Nick.

BTW, I have 10 dives with the predator, would you like to have my log to work on it ?
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by nick »

Thought I replied to this. Sure - send it through. I emailed you this morning actually.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by nick »

Martin wrote:The stack is the part that has the co2 absorbent in. Often sofnalime or sodasorb; other brands are available :D A freshly packed stack of new absorbent has a finite length of usage. The more time it is used in the water, the less effective it is over a period of time, in broad terms. For this reason CCR divers record how long a stack has been used for so they know when it is becoming less effective. For example, this could be three short dives of say 40 minutes each or one longer dive of 140 minutes. There are other factors involved here but I personally only want to record the time each stack has been in use for with 0 minutes for a newly packed stack that increases in minutes and hours in the water. Stack time is critical for safe rebreather diving, the longer the stacks been in use, the less effective it becomes, generally, and this varies between different models of rebreather as they don't all have the same amount of absorbent in their stacks. It's worth mentioning here that these are known by different names including scrubber as well.
Martin, I've been adding some of these features based on data that Christian and JF have sent me. So far there is now an additional ppo2 graph available for downloads via Shearwater, and the high/low setpoints are recorded also - both the values and alarms on the profile when the unit sets them. The set points also have criteria available for smart divelogs so you can add custom filters for them, and there's a new supply type (OC, CCR, SCR) field available for filtering too.

Next up is the stack usage. How would you like to track this? Do you care about previous stack usage (ie, being able to look back and see how long you used various stacks for) or are you only ever interested in the current usage?

Just trying to figure out how best to store/display this data. Whether that is just a cumulative total on the Gear (Computer) that can be reset, or if there needs to be something fancier.

There's also a beta available if you're interested.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by nick »

I also had another thought. For bailout gases, could we just add a Tank/Gas as per usual, with a duration of 0, and perhaps add a "bailout" checkbox to say it was a bailout gas?

Would that cover everything needed for it? That way there is already support for start/end pressure and whatever gas mix you like.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by Jean-Francois »

nick wrote:I also had another thought. For bailout gases, could we just add a Tank/Gas as per usual, with a duration of 0, and perhaps add a "bailout" checkbox to say it was a bailout gas?

Would that cover everything needed for it? That way there is already support for start/end pressure and whatever gas mix you like.
That would work for me.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by Jean-Francois »

Scrubber usage :

What I need (it's for myself only maybe) is just an empty field I could just write anything in. Unless you have a CO2 monitoring system, you use your scrubber for something around 3-4 hours which means ~4 dives or even less dives. The best would be to have a field with before and after so you know when you changed it.

Now in a dream world it would be just awesome to be able to get the data from the rMS. Because there is stored your remaining scrubber time. But that is only available to the rEvo with rMS so it's not the majority and it might mean a lot of work for just a few divers.

P.S: sorry to bother you with that again but in the files I've sent you I made a drawing of the new CCR tab that would encompass all we've discussed such as Unit, Total time with said unit, SP, Scrubber usage, O2 cells change date, Tanks. But creating a new tab might be more work than I think therefore it might be better to add some field in the already existing dive inspector tabs. (Note : I've also "relooked" the other tabs. And yes I had time to spare :) and actually enjoyed doing it)
P.P.S: really sorry to have bothered you with that again.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by nick »

Hah, no, it's ok. I was looking at them just a few minutes ago.

Obviously it is very easy to add "Scrubber Usage" as a plain text field and you can all do what you like with it. I was just wondering if there was a nicer way to implement it that could automatically increment based on dive length etc, whether something like that would be more useful or just more of a pain.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by CFU »

Hi guys,

Nick is currently working on a few things and we supplied him with sample data from our shearwaters. As for now (Nick please feel free to correct me if I am wrong) he is working on:

- PO2 graph
- setpoint switch markers in the dive profile similar to gas switch marker
- setpoint column on the dive table
- setpoint option at smart dive log

what would be nice to have next (anyone feel free to add comments):

- field for used high and low setpoint i.e. 0.7 and 1.3 bar PPO2
- a field for scrubber tracking it is simply the time on the current scrubber fill as there are single and split scrubbers I'd also say a simple text fill would work the easiest for both now (I doubt RMS data is provided by Shearwater currently but would be really fu... awesome indeed ;-) I'll have a look into the raw data myself and try to find out whats there probably I'll have a chat with Paul when I see him next week)
- bailout management, checkbox is nice, or maybe something like a dropdown with purpose of as or type: bailout, inbord oxygen, diluent, my idea is to add MOD and EAD
- O2 cell age tracking (simple date file for cell 1-5 I'd say)
- O2 cell mV graph (great to discover slow and current limited cells huge safety issue! @Nick I can tell you something more in an email its something that would be nice to have in the future)
- hour tracking on a special type of unit + maybe ccr hours as this is very important for CCR divers as we count hours and not number of dives and its mandatory to have certain hours on a specific unit to attend courses
- CNS tracking as this is very important cause of constant high PO2s

But everything step by step! A CCR tab would be nice indeed Nick has to decide if it fits into his UI concept.

Nick any questions about CCR specifics feel free to ask. I am looking forward to test the beta! And then we will see.


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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by Jean-Francois »

Well the rMS data are stored in the Shearwater so I guess it could be extracted. But that's really priority last imo. But how awesome it would be :)

Other than that I agree with every thing you said and I've "asked" for almost the same things :)

As far as UI goes, I think that eventually a "CCR only" tab is the best because we have specific needs that OC divers don't need/want (O2 cells age, O2 cell voltage, Set Points, total hours on particular rebreather, pretty much any point you made :) )

Again, it's not my call to make it's just what I'd like as a user. What has to be taken into account is the amount of work needed vs the reward gained and that I have no knowledge.

I'm relatively new to CCR diving (I think I stand at about 15 hours) so what I might say might not make much sense.

Christian if you want I can email you the draft I made for that CCR tab.

I'm just trying to help but if I do too much (I tend to do that when I'm passionate about it :) ) just tell me and I'll tone down.
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Re: CCR with MacDive: Request for suggestions

Post by CFU »

As far as RMS is concerned I checked the raw upload data and no data about RCT/RST ist provided in the log upload. So for this we would have to ask Bruce if they are willing to include it into the log upload but that would mean a new software version for the Predator which would be months ahead...


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