Thanks Nick.
BTW, I have 10 dives with the predator, would you like to have my log to work on it ?
Martin, I've been adding some of these features based on data that Christian and JF have sent me. So far there is now an additional ppo2 graph available for downloads via Shearwater, and the high/low setpoints are recorded also - both the values and alarms on the profile when the unit sets them. The set points also have criteria available for smart divelogs so you can add custom filters for them, and there's a new supply type (OC, CCR, SCR) field available for filtering too.Martin wrote:The stack is the part that has the co2 absorbent in. Often sofnalime or sodasorb; other brands are availableA freshly packed stack of new absorbent has a finite length of usage. The more time it is used in the water, the less effective it is over a period of time, in broad terms. For this reason CCR divers record how long a stack has been used for so they know when it is becoming less effective. For example, this could be three short dives of say 40 minutes each or one longer dive of 140 minutes. There are other factors involved here but I personally only want to record the time each stack has been in use for with 0 minutes for a newly packed stack that increases in minutes and hours in the water. Stack time is critical for safe rebreather diving, the longer the stacks been in use, the less effective it becomes, generally, and this varies between different models of rebreather as they don't all have the same amount of absorbent in their stacks. It's worth mentioning here that these are known by different names including scrubber as well.
That would work for me.nick wrote:I also had another thought. For bailout gases, could we just add a Tank/Gas as per usual, with a duration of 0, and perhaps add a "bailout" checkbox to say it was a bailout gas?
Would that cover everything needed for it? That way there is already support for start/end pressure and whatever gas mix you like.