iPhone unable to sync with Suunto D5

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iPhone unable to sync with Suunto D5

Post by quick_dry »

Hi, I just bought macdive on iOS and cannot get it to sync with my Suunto D5

The D5 is able to sync with the iPhone using Suunto app, Dive Log, and Subsurface all on the same iPhone, so it isn't a problem with the link between the phone and suunto - but MacDive just sits on trying to find device when I try to import. There doesn't seem to be a way to stop the import attempt either.

Killing all the apps, or starting from a fresh reboot doesn't make a difference either. Is there a way to get it working or to generate a debug log to submit?
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Re: iPhone unable to sync with Suunto D5

Post by Shadallark »

Hi there quick_dry;

I am not sure if this will help you but you can give it a try. Go to your Blue Tooth Settings on your iPhone and forget the pairing connection to your dive computer. Then attempt to import the dives into MacDive like you usually do. Another option is to forget the blue tooth pairing, then re-pair the computer with the iPhone, then open MacDive and import without opening the Suunto App on the iPhone. I saw somewhere that if the computer is paired with the Suunto app before Mac Dive that it somehow blocks Mac Dive from accessing the computer.

Let us know if that works so that other people will know or so that other people might be able to provide some suggestions.

Have a fantastic time in the water this year!

The MacDs
New Brunswick, Canada

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Dive Computer: Suunto D5

Re: iPhone unable to sync with Suunto D5

Post by quick_dry »

thanks that worked, forgot to reply.

Forget the pairing, kill suunto app, then run the suunto sync in MacDive to kick off the pairing process and sync the dives into MacDive. After that just start the Suunto app and the Suunto app can connect no worries. (interesting that other apps arenb't bothered by being first or not)
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