I am trying to connect my Suunto Eon Core to MacDive in order to directly import my dives but I can’t make it work

I have an iPhone 14, with iOS 16.5.1. MacDive version is the latest on Apple Store (1.4.10) and it has permissions (bluetooth)
I also have Suunto App in my phone. If I pair the Suunto App with my Eon Core, no problem, it syncs perfectly.
In MacDive I try to pair the Eon Core but it keeps “looking for device” forever. The Eon Core is paired with the phone (bluetooth), but MacDive doesn’t find it. I’ve also unpaired the Eon Core in the Suunto App in case the other app interferes.
I’ve restarted the phone, the Eon Core, MacDive… but nothing works

Any pointers?