Feature Request: Bulk updating critters & sites

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Feature Request: Bulk updating critters & sites

Post by morton »

I would be great to have a way bulk update critters and dive sites through import / export, for example by adding a unique ID to the XML. The XML is really nice and easy to parse / update with external tools but there doesn't seem to be a way to round trip data without creating duplicates on import (or requiring me to delete critters / sites and loose the relations to dives).

Especially for critters it would help as it would allow easy updates based on taxonomy changes (or normalizing the common name) based on data sources like GBIF or iNaturalist.
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Re: Feature Request: Bulk updating critters & sites

Post by Jack »

Hi Morton - I agree! It would be great to have an easyway to upload into the software.

I'm trying to bulk import dives first, then wanted to move on to critters. I have set up an Excel worksheet with 950 older dives. I have mapped the data successfully (developer, source, XML source, map the columns) in an effort to export the data as xml so I can upload it. When I try to save the sheet as XML I'm getting an error that the maps in this workbook are not exportable. I was successful at importing 100's of dive sites.

Looking for someone that might me able to help me. Seems like I'm close to getting this to work. Any advice?
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Re: Feature Request: Bulk updating critters & sites

Post by morton »

Sorry Jack, have never tried to do things through Excel, all my tools and exporters are written in Python or Rust and directly write out the data as MacDive expects them.
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:47 am
Dive Computer: ProPlus X

Re: Feature Request: Bulk updating critters & sites

Post by Jack »

Ok, thanks.
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