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Feature request: Dropbox integration

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:09 am
by Nick K.
It would be great to be able to share (access and update) my MacDive data across my computers and it would be good to do this using Dropbox. I know I can use symlinks to use MacDive with Dropbox but I read that there can be issues, including data loss.

What I would like is for MacDive to have the option to be safely sync-able through DropBox, like other Dropbox apps.

What do you think? Many thanks in advance,

Nick K.

Re: Feature request: Dropbox integration

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:06 am
by nick
You could use something like this:

To automate the process of creating links, etc. For now there is no built in support for Dropbox (or any other shared storage system). Including support for that comes with its own set of problems (detecting changes, merging data, resolving conflicts, etc). It's not a trivial task, unfortunately. A simple solution like the one above should work fine, though you'd have to be careful about saving/restarting when changes had been made to make sure they are picked up, as MacDive won't notice that its data file has changed underneath it.

It's definitely something that would be worth doing properly in the future, but it's not as simple as just moving the data file(s) to your dropbox folder.