OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

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OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by mick232 »

Hi All,

Anyone got their Sensus Ultra working on Lion?

Mine was working on 10.6 prior to the upgrade, but it's not connecting in 10.7 - tried to import a dive in MacDive and it gives me this error:

Import Error.

Failed connecting to dive computer on serial port '/dev/tty.usbserial' (Error Code: -4)

Have also tried with the Sensus Manager software and that doesn't work either.

Tried removing & reinstalling the driver, no joy - my guess is the old driver does not work on Lion.

I have emailed Reefnet support so will see what they come back with, just hoping someone here has fixed this already. Will let you know what they come back with if no-one else already has the answer...

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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by nick »

I posted a stickied topic a while back:


It's got a beta driver which may or may not help. I just did a couple of full downloads of my sensus ultra on 10.7 with no problem - have you tried that one ?
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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by mick232 »

Hi Nick,

I had tried installing that driver and no joy there either. My issue was with the Sensus Manager as well as MacDive - neither worked.

Have been emailing Kris @ Reefnet and I now have a new driver that seems to work (well, it works as well as the last one did - I can still only get the last dive from the Ultra. If I have two dives not here only the last dive is downloaded, but that has been a problem for as long as I have been using MacDive)

Any chance you can add the ability to import a dive exported from the Sensus manager software (which has no such issues)? Would be mighty helpful on those occasions I do a double dive (currently I have to take a second dive computer with me if I want to import both dives into MacDive...)

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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by nick »

What kind of hardware/comptuer are you running on?

I noticed that changing from a MacBook Pro to a newer iMac, I get much more reliable downloads. There's some kind of timing issue we haven't yet been able to resolve, and a combination of a faster machine and the upgraded driver means I generally get all of the dives on my device downloaded without a problem.

Not that this is in any way a viable solution, just throwing it out there for background. We're working on figuring out what is wrong with it in the first place.
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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by mick232 »

Hi Nick,

I have an 27" iMac i7 with 12gb RAM, so no issues with speed.

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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by nick »

Hmm, same as I'm running. I've found it to be really rather reliable in terms of downloading - much more so than the MBP. Can you try it a few times and ensure it's on the cradle nice - maybe hold it down to ensure it's good?
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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by mick232 »

Hi Nick, I'll give it a go but it's been happening since I got the sensus ultra and I've downloaded maybe 50 times, and each and every time I've been presented with the error after the first dive is downloaded.

Also the sensus manager has no problems downloading all dives on the unit (before and after downloading to macdive, without removing it from the cradle).

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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by roger »

Same problem here. No downloads, not a single dive, under lion.

Macbook pro about a year old. 3.06GHz intel core 2 duo. If it takes more than that to run a serial port in the year 2011, something's wrong.
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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by nick »

You would be surprised.

We're having some timing issues which sensus manager doesn't seem to have. I get really good results on an i7 iMac, and my MacBook Pro always times out. So yes - it's ridiculous, but we haven't been able to crack what is causing the problem.
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Re: OSX 10.7 Lion & Sensus Ultra

Post by mick232 »

nick wrote:You would be surprised.

We're having some timing issues which sensus manager doesn't seem to have. I get really good results on an i7 iMac, and my MacBook Pro always times out. So yes - it's ridiculous, but we haven't been able to crack what is causing the problem.
So I'll ask again... can we get functionality to import a dump from the Sensus Manager? I have no problems using that, it's happy to download as many dives as there are on the unit...

Seems like an easy work around for those times when you have more than 1 dive on the unit - download into Sensus Manager, then export as csv, and import the file into MacDive.

Roger, have you spoken to Kris @ Reefnet? They have a new Lion driver that resolved my issue.

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